All Systems Operational

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This page is intended for customer informational status of current network performance. When degradation of the network performance is experienced it will be reflected on this page. If you think your services may be impacted by an outage reflected on this page you can open a case with our technical support teams at

page activated 1/29/2021

Communications Operational
UCx Operational
UCx Call Center Operational
UCx Contact Center Operational
UCx SmartVoice Operational
SmartVoice Operational
PRI / SuperTrunk Operational
Voicemail Operational
Virtual Fax Operational
Fax to Email Operational
UCx Webex Teams Operational
Webex App - Room creation and management Operational
Webex App - Send and read messages Operational
Webex App - File sharing and viewing Operational
Webex App - Client calling and meetings Operational
Webex App - Sign in and sign up Operational
Webex App - Web and desktop apps Operational
Webex App - Mobile apps Operational
Webex Meetings - Access Webex URL Operational
Webex Meetings - Start/join meetings Operational
Webex Meetings - Video Platform Operational
Webex Meetings - Join audio via VoIP or share video Operational
Webex Meetings - Join audio via Telephony Operational
Webex Meetings - Schedule meetings Operational
Webex Meetings - Share content Operational
Webex Contact Center - Call Delivery Operational
Webex Contact Center - Email and chat Operational
Webex Contact Center - Agent Service Operational
Webex Contact Center - Reports and Administrative Service Operational
Security & Managed IT Services Operational
MSx WAN (SD-WAN) Operational
MSx Firewalls Operational
MSx Endpoints Operational
MSx Networks Operational
MSx Backups Operational
MSx Data Center Operational
Microsoft 365 Operational
OneDrive Operational
Teams (Consumer) Operational
Connectivity Operational
TPx Internet Access Operational
3rd Party Internet Access Operational
OneNet (MPLS/VPLS) Operational
Network Infrastructure Operational
Ethernet Carrier Connections Operational
Network Power Operational
Routing Infrastructure Operational
Legacy Copper Networks Operational
Fiber Networks Operational
System Applications Operational
Degraded Performance
Partial Outage
Major Outage
Past Incidents
Jul 27, 2024

No incidents reported today.

Jul 26, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 25, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 24, 2024
Resolved - We have completed our monitoring and confirmed customers are no longer experiencing slow internet speeds.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 24, 17:35 PDT
Update - We have completed our monitoring and confirmed customers are no longer experiencing internet slow speeds.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 24, 17:32 PDT
Update - The TPx NOC has tested customer IPs that reported slow internet speeds and is seeing normal latency on each. We will continue to test through the morning to confirm internet traffic utilization does not impact the latency.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 24, 07:03 PDT
Monitoring - We have been monitoring the test customer IP's and see that latency has returned to normal levels. Since the tests occurred after normal business hours we will recheck tomorrow during peak traffic business hours to confirm latency does not return.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 23, 18:50 PDT
Update - Customers with AT&T HSIA/ADI services are experiencing slow internet speed due to congestion on the AT&T network. Our Internet traffic is peered with Cogent and Arelion/Telia and is not experiencing any congestion.

Arelion/Telia is seeing high latency at their peering point with AT&T. AT&T has reported that a Fastly CDN Network event is causing congestion on the AT&T network due to a new Fortnite update download. They expect the congestion to last around 24 hours.

We are asking Arelion/Telia if they can prioritize our Los Angeles traffic to a different AT&T peering point as a test to clear up the latency and slow speeds impacting our customers.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 23, 13:52 PDT
Identified - Our provider has confirmed they are observing congestion at their handoff to AT&T. They have engaged the peering managers for resolution options.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 23, 12:41 PDT
Investigating - We are currently experiencing a Minor service disruption impacting internet services in the Southern California area.

Users may be experiencing service degradation due to slow internet speeds.

Our Engineering and Operations teams have identified this issue beyond our handoff with our Internet Connection Provider. We have engaged their technical support team to investigate this issue.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 23, 11:17 PDT
Jul 23, 2024
Jul 22, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 21, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 20, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 19, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 18, 2024
Resolved - Our Support team has confirmed all customer services have been restored.
Jul 18, 07:15 PDT
Monitoring - Our provider has repaired the damaged fiber. We are seeing many of our customer's services restored. We will continue to follow up with confirming all of the impacted customers' cases before completely resolving this event.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 18, 06:50 PDT
Update - Our provider's attempt to pull slack in the fiber cable and resplice failed due to a lack of enough slack in the fiber cable to create a splice. They did not want to risk pulling on the cable any further for fear of causing additional outages on still-working fibers within the sheath.

Their team is in the process of placing a new duct between manholes to place a new fiber cable. Barring issues with the duct, the provider will start splicing to cut over as many high-priority circuits as they can tonight. They were unable to provide an ETTR at this time.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 17, 16:37 PDT
Update - Our provider has advised the damage is in a high-traffic area for semi trucks and they're working on traffic control. Their splicers are testing fibers on an 864-count fiber cable between manholes on each side of the bridge looking for intact fibers to roll services to.

The provider has a 432-count fiber cable en route with a 1.5+ hour ETA due to traffic. If the replacement fiber cable needs to be installed, they advised extensive conduit work will need to be performed before and after cable installation. The provider's substructure team is on the way with an ETA of an hour to assess.

Jul 17, 14:13 PDT
Update - Our provider's fiber construction team is onsite and beginning repairs. They have over 10,000 customers impacted by this fiber cut. They have not provided an estimated time to repair.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 17, 10:44 PDT
Update - Our transport provider has located the fiber cut between Hermosa, CA, and Long Beach, CA. They continue to gather resources and materials to repair the damage. They have provided an ETA of 8:30 am to be onsite to start repairs.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 17, 06:25 PDT
Identified - Our Provider has dispatched 2 technicians to separate locations to investigate the root cause of the service interruptions. They suspect fiber damage and will be performing fiber light testing from the two locations to narrow the area of the failure.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 16, 22:40 PDT
Investigating - We are currently experiencing a Critical service disruption impacting voice and internet services in the general Los Angeles area.

Our Engineering and Operations teams are engaged with our Provider technical support team who have dispatched technicians to investigate issues related to a possible fiber cable outage.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 16, 20:49 PDT
Jul 17, 2024
Jul 16, 2024
Resolved - We have confirmed that all TPx customers except 6 have been restored. CenterPointe Energy has restored 2.2 million customers that were without power due to Hurricane Beryl.

We hope our customers are safe and moving forward after this major weather event.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 16, 21:41 PDT
Update - CenterPointe Energy continues to work to restore power. Currently, the number of affected users without power is approximately 200,000 with over 2 million customers with power restored.

We are seeing 75% of our original proactive alert customer cases have been restored. We will continue to monitor power restoral progress.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 15, 07:55 PDT
Update - CenterPointe Energy continues to work to restore power. Currently, the number of affected users is approximately 800,000 customers, a reduction from 1.2 million reported yesterday.

We are seeing 74% of our original proactive alert customer cases have been restored. We will continue to monitor power restoral progress.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 12, 15:01 PDT
Update - CenterPointe Energy continues to work to restore power. Currently, the number of affected users is approximately 1.3 million, a reduction from 1.7 million reported yesterday. Due to the extensive damage inflicted on the power infrastructure by the intense storms and hurricane-strength winds, some regions may continue to experience power fluctuations for up to a week.

TPx will continue to monitor and provide updates as they become available.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 10, 08:25 PDT
Update - CenterPoint Energy has restored over 600,000 customers' power, however, they still have over one million customers without power. We are seeing a few more customer circuits restored but still have over 75% that are still down.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 9, 21:49 PDT
Update - We are continuing to work on a fix for this issue.
Jul 9, 07:56 PDT
Update - CenterPointe Energy is progressing in restoring power as they recover from Hurricane Beryl. Approximately 19% of the 275 customers initially reported as down have services restored.

We will continue to follow progress on power restoral and provide updates as they occur.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 9, 07:39 PDT
Identified - We are experiencing a Critical service disruption impacting multiple services in Houston, TX, and the surrounding areas.

Users may be experiencing service disruption due to an area-wide power outage in and around Houston Texas.

The power outage is attributed to rain and wind damage caused by Hurricane Beryl which made landfall earlier today 7/8/2024.

We will follow the progress for power restoral from CenterPoint's Power Outage map and other independent updates on the internet.

We will provide updates when available.

If you feel your service is being impacted, please open a case with our technical support teams at

Jul 8, 10:01 PDT
Jul 15, 2024
Jul 14, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 13, 2024

No incidents reported.